[travel notes]

  • Political Correctness: The Doctrine that Cried Racism

    You ever find yourself stumped as to what word to use when describing someone? Is it African American or black? Is it Oriental or Asian or Asian American?  Can I call this person short or is it ‘vertically challenged’ now? In situations like these, you find yourself between a rock and a hard place –…

  • All I’m Asking For …

    When I was in high school, my friends and I had a joke that we had to avoid the following topics in order to remain friends: race, religion, and politics. What I did not realize then that this is not a joke for some people – this is an active (or is it passive?) way…

  • A Life Ennui

    John Lennon was the one who sang, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”  But what if life doesn’t happen to you when you’re following your plans?  What if, instead of delaying your life like you believe you are doing, you’re actually molding your life into what it’s going to…

  • Twitter Discussion on Gay Marriage – A Reply

    http://twitter.com/Camerus/status/8209307418 Though a couple is not required to have kids in order to get married or be married, procreation is still a big deal in marriage.  You can get an entire marriage annuled (as if it never happened legally), even after 30 years if you find out that your spouse lied about their ability to…

  • In re: “Net Neutrality Supporters Have First Amendment Upside Down”

    http://bit.ly/6Ew12R I somewhat agree with the assertion that the First Amendment does limit the government’s ability to regulate free speech. However, a completely textual argument would suggest that government can only be limited when it “abridges” (deprive, diminish, reduce in scope – http://m-w.com/dictionary/abridge) rather than expands free speech.  If the net neutrality regulations are promulgated…

  • In a State of Transition

    I find myself in the same state I felt when I was a senior in high school.  That place where you’re at the end of a stage in your life and you’re so close to that new beginning. You’re excited, apprehensive, scared, impatient, happy, and sad … (and lazy and unmotivated).  Senioritis. It’s hard to…

  • Fear and Loathing in Los Angeles

    The thing that scared me the most about yesterday was not that I was willing to give up completely, but the lack of hesitation. I didn’t hesitate. I didn’t ponder whether it was something I truly needed to do (because it was already a given that it was). I didn’t lock myself in a closet…

  • Queen of Swords

    “The Queen of Swords indicates a woman who is blessed (or cursed) with sharp perception, and highly honed intuition. She is acutely analytical, with a razor-sharp ability to get to the heart of a situation, seeing exactly what is, rather than what others would wish her to see. She is a private woman, unwilling to…

  • Exchange Music Project Update…

    Do not worry – I have not forgotten about this idea.  School is keeping me busy, but that’s no reason to not give you all homework. The theme to this exchange is simple enough: Soundtrack to Your Life.  Make a list of songs that tells the story of your life – where you’ve been, where…

  • A Proposition: Twitter Music Exchange

    This idea was borne from a conversation about music block – a phase where you realize that you’re growing tired of the same songs repeating on your music player, be it your iPod or even the radio.  If you’re like me, you don’t listen to the radio so you don’t know what’s out there, nowadays. …