[travel notes]

  • Perfect Timing

    While looking for blank paper to start another performance test, I happened to come across random writing to myself. It’s from a lifetime ago. Before I went to law school and in the midst of preparing to take the LSAT. I just have to laugh at the similarities. Here it is:

  • Countdown: 6 Days

    There’s this blog post going around the interwebs which details one person’s frustrations in connection with the California bar exam. Many of my fellow law school friends have re-posted it, relating to it’s general message. Which is: “Don’t tell me I am going to pass.” I understand the sentiment. Three days ago, I said that…

  • Countdown: 9 Days

    In the final lectures, we were told that our role is not to determine whether we will pass or fail the bar, but to show the minimum competency required to be a lawyer in the state of California. Ever since that impart, I’ve been trying to keep my mind off whether I am right or…

  • Pacific Ties: An Ode to SPAM

    SPAM.  No, I am not talking about the hundreds of junk email that you receive on a daily basis.  I am talking about the pink meat that comes in the blue can. First introduced to the American public in 1937 as “HORMEL Spiced Ham”, SPAM has survived the Great Depression, World War II, the psychedelic…

  • Follow-Up: The First Amendment at Live Oak High School

    Yesterday, I posted a lesson on the First Amendment.  It seems that the Mexican American students and their supporters took the advice of adding speech on top of more speech to heart.  On Thursday, 200 students walked out of the classrooms of Live Oak High School and marched to the school district headquarters. All I…

  • Companion Lesson: Religion & the First Amendment

    “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof[.]” It’s First Amendment Day. Not only because of the fall-out from the Live Oak Five, but because today is the “National Day of Prayer”.   All we need now is government censoring of the press … The National Day of…

  • Lesson: The First Amendment

    On May 5, 2010, five students were asked to either change their attire or go home.  These students had the audacity to wear the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and his four friends would not even be noticed for wearing…

  • Protected: In This Corner…

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • And now onto happier topics…

    In the last few weeks, I have been going through some changes.  Ch..ch..ch…changes.  And strangely, I’m pretty okay with it.  There was a time when I would constantly talk about change.  Change this, change that, oh why oh why can’t I change – that sort of thing.  I was stuck in this view that some…

  • Challenges to Basic Assumptions Revisited

    All I know about secular humanism and the Zinn Education Project, I’ve read in blogs.  Thus, not knowing much about the content of ZEP or other works/statements/anything made by Howard Zinn, I have no opinion as to the accuracy of the blogs.  If you’re interested, then I would suggest researching more into it.  My interest…